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02:07 09 Oct 24
Still alive! Ain't that neat?
Haven't been writing lately. Mostly because of my current desktop computer, which is actually a laptop that I keep on my desk. I got it in 2015. The touchpad doesn't right-click, so I have an old USB mouse plugged into it. Which was working fine. Except all the arrow keys and six or so letters come off the keyboard any time I press too hard or have soda on my fingers. And the S and A keys are almost entirely worn off. And the L key quit working.
This, as you can probably imagine, causes a few issues.
I finally found my USB keyboard (which technically belongs with the Box, but nevermind that) and plugged that in, which is, erm, something of a bodge, but does mean I can finally write again. (ATWMR) With any luck I'll have a new chapter of something out... soonish.
In other news: watched the first episode of the new Ranma. Did not expect there to be new Ranma in my lifetime. Very excited. Will continue to be excited so long as Netflix doesn't kill it after a season or two.
18:41 17 Jun 24
Minor site update, fun fun fun. It's summer! Which means it hit the high seventies yesterday. This is the first summer in years that I didn't immediately want to lie in an ice bath about it... I can only hope that continues.
Anyway, spent some time the other day fiddling with the Box, aka my old desktop computer. And when I say old, I mean I picked it up in 2012, when the local school district was trading in its computers for the next model, so it's from about 2007. It's not exactly what I'd choose for anything hardcore and it still runs Vista, which is a flaw I hope to fix soon - well, as soon as I figure out whether the reason it doesn't want to turn on is a battery issue, or a power supply issue - but it's fun to mess with and it has some programs and old writing projects I want back.